2014 Kansas Challenge Player List

LEAWOOD, KS -- The deadline for the Kansas Challenge on July 12 is this coming Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. Central time (July 8). You can sign up by RSVP on the Croquet Network event section (Kansas Challenge) or email Dylan Goodwin at kccroquetclub@gmail.com. Click here for more event details


The Silver Division is filling up nicely, but the Pro/Gold Division is a bit under-subscribed. If the usual suspects join in, we should have a full event. Player list to date:


Dylan Goodwin - P
Matt Griffith - P
Greg Clouse - P
Jason Johnson - P (7/4)
Greg Adams - P (7/6)
Ron Millican - P (7/6)
Brad Clouse - P (7/9) 
Bill Berg - G
Keith Berg - G
Jodi Adams - G (7/6)
Taylor Airrington - G (7/6)
Deborah Millican - G (7/6)
Debbie Breeden - G (7/7) 


Ellie Kemp
Gwyneth Bowen
Diane Berg
Nate Benz 
Justin Marciniak


Elizabeth Goodwin - S