Oklahoma Nine-Wicket Open Entry and Deadline
/Join in on the fast-paced nine-wicket action as the MCA Nine Wicket Series visits Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday, June 14 (event flyer). Six-wicket players will find the game is great for developing confidence in running breaks and hoops. Most of the rules follow the USCA Six-Wicket game, with just a few exceptions:
- The wicket pattern is unique, but it's pretty easy to pick up because it is the same double-diamond pattern most people played as kids with their family (the pattern)
- When you roquet a ball, you still get two bonus shots, but you get more options. You can play in contact (just like 6W), you can play up to nine inches away from the roqueted ball or you can play from where the striker ball lies. The famous nine-wicket foot or hand shot is one of the in-contact options, which allows for a perfect "stop shot."
- Wiring is a bit different. You don't get ball in hand if you are wired. You get to move your ball up to nine inches to create a shot.
- Rover has a few modifications. 1) Any ball can peg out a rover ball. 2) The rover ball doesn't get a bonus shot off of running a wicket to clear deadness.
The deadline for entry is Tuesday, June 10 at noon. You have three easy options for entry:
1) Use this online form and the MCA will send you an invoice.
2) RSVP to the event on the Croquet Network Community page (Link to the Event)
3) Email Dylan Goodwin at kccroquetclub@gmail.com
FEES: $25 Entry ($15 for MCA Members);
$35 for combo MCA membership and Oklahoma Open
DRESS CODE: Whites are not required.
FORMAT: Nine-Wicket Singles (60-minute games), three games guaranteed. All wickets scored count toward the MCA Nine Wicket Series race. A break for lunch is planned, so players should plan to bring their own lunch. Or, there are fast food restaurants nearby.
RULES: MCA events follow standard USCA Nine-Wicket rules (Located Here). The Pro and Gold Divisions will utilize Options 1 - Deadness, 1B - Clearing Deadness regardless of score, 2 - Out of Bounds, 3 - Starting Deadness, 4 - Wiring, 5 - Blocked Wicket, 6 - Rover Play and 8 - Overtime Play. Regarding #8, the MCA will continue rounds until a winner is determined.
The Silver Division plays with Options 2 - Out of Bounds, 3 - Starting Deadness, 4 - Wiring, 5 - Blocked Wicket, 6 - Rover Play and 8 - Overtime Play. Regarding #8, the MCA will continue rounds until a winner is determined.
NOTE: The USCA modified the Nine-Wicket out of bounds rule to match the USCA Six-Wicket rule. A ball must be more than halfway over the line to be out of bounds.
Event Details: Oklahoma 9W Open
Map Link: LaFortune Park
Croquet courts are located on the east side of LaFortune behind the library