UCM Tournament

Sixteen players played at the University of Central Missouri field on a warm April 9.  The format was high-low doubles and partners changed every game.  Evan Taylor and Annie Frisbie, members of the UCM croquet club, played their first tournament and really enjoyed the event and both played well.

Greg Clouse and Jodi Adams played great as partners and ended up winning the tournament.  Greg won in the championship flight and Jodi won in first flight.

I would like to thank eveyone for the support and look forward to hosting more tournaments in Warrensburg.

Matt Smith

Central Missouri Open Date Change

WARRENSBURG, MO -- Matt Smith has announced that the UCM Open will move up to Saturday, April 9. The event will be played in Warrensburg, Missouri and the formate is double golf croquet. The original date for the event was April 23.

Contact: Contact: Matt Smith (croquet1@charter.net) / UCM Croquet webpage