MCA 2025 AGM: April 4


DATE: April 4, 2025
TIME: Noon to 1:10 p.m.
Leawood Pioneer Library
4700 Town Center Dr
Leawood, KS 66211

The Midwest Croquet Association (MCA) has announced the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2025 will be held on Friday, April 4, 2025,at the Leawood Pioneer Library at noon. The AGM is an opportunity for members of the MCA to come together to learn about events and association plans for the upcoming season. All members of the MCA are welcome to attend the AGM but will need to RSVP by emailing to ensure enough space is available.

If you have topics for the OPEN meeting session, please include those with your RSVP.


Introduction from the MCA President. (10 minutes)

Financials (10 minutes)

Board Elections (10 minutes)

All members are up for re-election at the 2025 AGM. Existing members are: Dylan Goodwin (P), Jodi Adams (T), Valerie Andruss, Greg Clouse and Justin Marciniak. Board member terms are two years.

BOARD TOPICS (20 minutes)

  • BYLAWS APPROVAL VOTE: The MCA Board has drafted a set of Bylaws for the organization (available here). After discussion, the Bylaws provisionally went into effect on March 15, 2024. At the AGM, a vote will be held by attending members to officially adopt the Bylaws. A majority vote is needed for the organization for the Bylaws to go into effect.

  • EVENTS: 2025 Tournament series changes, proposed events and schedule (Goodwin)


  • CONFIRM FEES: The MCA currently offers two types of memberships.

    • Club Membership — $50 annual fee per club that covers up to 10 members for the applying club with an additional charge of $2 per player for any additional players above the initial 10 members. Member clubs will be listed on the website and in the newsletter.

    • At-large Membership — $20 annual member fee per individual that includes a subscription to the MCA Newsletter and tournament discounts (for specified events).

    • Any change in membership type or fee changes would require a membership vote.


Meeting Closing.